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The Overture Maps base theme provides the land and water features that are necessary to render a complete basemap. These features are currently derived from the Daylight Earth Tables schema and include the Daylight Coastlines. The theme includes five feature types:

  • infrastructure: Infrastructure features such as communication towers and lines, piers, and bridges.
  • land: physical representations of land surfaces derived from the inverse of OSM Coastlines; translates natural tags from OpenStreetMap.
  • land_cover: derived from ESA WorldCover, high-resolution optical Earth observation data.
  • land_use: classifications of the human use of a section of land; translates landuse tag from OpenStreetMap.
  • water: physical representations of inland and ocean marine surfaces; translates natural and waterway tags from OpenStreetMap.

Schema design choices

  • basic classification of features into type, subtype and class where appropriate.
  • parsing and normalization of common OSM tags, such as height and ele.
  • extraction of consistent OSM tags, such as wikidata to top-level properties.
  • direct pass-through of remaining relevant OSM tags.

Schema reference