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Overture Maps provides free and open map data normalized to a common schema. We are currently focused on building the following vector data layers:

In this documentation, you'll find explanatory and reference material, and hands-on examples for accessing and using the Overture Maps data and schema. Welcome to the project!


The member companies of the Overture Maps Foundation are working collaboratively to build the datasets and schema. They share a common vision:

Address the core, enable the periphery. The Overture schema doesn't solve every problem. It offers complete, out-of-the-box solutions for the most fundamental "core" use cases. At the same time, the schema's extensible structure enables a wide range of other use cases ("the periphery").

Invent across the gap. The mapping community already has access to many excellent tools, standards and practices. The Overture schema reuses these existing solutions to maximize compatibility and focus on solving unaddressed pain points.

Backward-compatible is forward-compatible. No design is future-proof, but good designs stay relevant by adding features without breaking what already works. The Overture schema can be enhanced in a backward-compatible way.

Always open. The Overture schema and data formats aim for compatibility with free and open-source tools, avoiding dependency on proprietary technologies.