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Overture + Pandas

In this example, we'll show you how to use DuckDB and Pandas to extract and manipulate Overture data in a Jupyter notebook. We're using a Pandas DataFrame as an ideal structure for handling a "medium" amount of data and GeoPandas to extend Pandas for operations on geometric types. We also need the Shapely to support the processing of our feature geometries. DuckDB allows us to fetch only the data we need from Overture's GeoParquet files stored on Microsoft Azure or AWS S3.

Installation requirements

To follow along with these examples, you should have JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook running and the following dependencies installed:

A executable version of this notebook is available on Notebook Sharing Space. More examples are available in the notebooks directory in our docs repository on GitHub.


Let's start by importing our toolkit.

# import our toolkit
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely import wkt
import duckdb

Next, we'll install and load DuckDB extensions to work with spatial data and connect to AWS. (Or you can use the Azure extension to connect to the Overture data stores on Azure.)

%sql INSTALL spatial;
%sql INSTALL httpfs;
%sql LOAD spatial;
%sql LOAD httpfs;
%sql SET s3_region='us-west-2'

The DuckDB documentation offers tips and examples for running DuckDB queries in Jupyter notebooks. In this example, we're using duckdb-engine and JupySQL. You can also connect to DuckDB natively.

# no need to import duckdb_engine, JupySQL will auto-detect driver 
# load (or reload) jupysql Jupyter extension to create SQL cells
%reload_ext sql

We can set the configurations on JupySQL to directly output data to Pandas and to simplify the output that is printed to the notebook.

%config SqlMagic.autopandas = True
%config = False
%config SqlMagic.displaycon = False

Connect JupySQL to DuckDB using a SQLAlchemy-style connection string.

# DuckDB in-memory database
%sql duckdb://

Now we're going to extract data from Overture's base theme for an area along the Gulf Coast. The magic %%sql command turns the notebook cell into a SQL cell and allows us to dump our query results in a Pandas DataFrame. Note: this query takes about a minute run.

%%sql gulf_water <<
names.primary AS primary_name,
ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromWKB(geometry)) as geometry
read_parquet('s3://overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2024-07-22.0/theme=base/type=water/*', filename=true, hive_partitioning=1)
bbox.xmin >= -91.3994
and bbox.xmax <= -89.3864
and bbox.ymin >= 29.152
and bbox.ymax <= 30.5161

Before we move on, let's deal with the geometry we pulled out of Overture's GeoParquet file. Geometry columns in GeoParquet are stored in binary format. In the above query, we transformed that geometry into text, and now we need to turn it into a Shapely geometry to get it into our GeoDataFrame. Here's how we do that.

gulf_water['geometry'] = gulf_water['geometry'].apply(wkt.loads)

# dataframe to geodataframe, set crs
gulf_water_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
, geometry='geometry', crs="EPSG:4326"

Let's work with just the water polygons and lines, not the points.

# Apply a lambda to remove point geometries
gulf_water_gdf = gulf_water_gdf[gulf_water_gdf['geometry'].apply(lambda x : x.geom_type!='Point' )]

Let's make a quick plot of the data. Voilà!

gulf_water_gdf.plot(facecolor="#628290", edgecolor="#006064", lw=0.05)

gulf bay

Next steps

  • Want to speed things up and work with larger extracts of Overture data? Check out our Lonboard tutorial.