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Overture + QGIS

In this example, we'll show you how to get Overture Maps data into QGIS, a powerful and popular open source geographic information system. QGIS can ingest almost every spatial data format, including Parquet and GeoParquet. Once you get your data into QGIS, the sky's the limit for data analysis, data conflation, visualization and beautiful mapmaking.

Instructions: Install a version of QGIS with GDAL > 3.5 that can read (geo)parquet

You can find the latest installers for Mac here:

Additionally, the conda packages of QGIS have support for Parquet.

Download Overture Data

Using only the bbox parameters, we can efficiently retrieve all Overture data without processing any geometries. With SELECT *, we will simply download all of the data in Overture across all themes and types. Note: if your query is interupted by a connection error, you might try running the following command first: SET http_keep_alive=false;.

FROM read_parquet("s3://overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2025-03-19.0/theme=*/type=*/*", union_by_name = True)
bbox.xmin >= -105.30
AND bbox.ymin >= 39.98
AND bbox.xmax <= -105.24
AND bbox.ymax <= 40.07
) TO 'boulder_co_overture.parquet';

Note that this query gathers data from all Overture themes with theme=*/type=*/*. The resulting file has all of the columns and multiple geometry types.

Add the data to QGIS

All of the data files we created in the previous step are vector files that can be added as layers in QGIS. The easiest method is to drag-and-drop the file(s) directly into the map canvas.

Drag-n-drop parquet files in QGIS