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The Overture base theme includes additional features desired for rendering a complete basemap that are not yet associated with the global entity reference system (GERS), nor have they been through a rigorous schema definition process. Instead, we assign just a subtype and class to the feature and pass relevant attributes through in the source_tags attribute. Most of the features in the base theme come from OpenStreetMap via the Daylight Map Distribution.

Feature types

The base theme has five feature types.

  • infrastructure - Human-made structures (bridges, towers, airports, etc.) from OpenStreetMap
  • land - Natural land features from OpenStreetMap
  • land_cover - Derived from European Space Agency (ESA) satellite imagery
  • land_use - Human-determined land use features from OpenStreetMap (residential, education, etc).
  • water - Water features (both natural and human-made) from OpenStreetMap. Includes the ocean as derived from the OSM Coastline Tool.

Theme concepts

OpenStreetMap Tags to Overture Properties

The subtype and class of an infrastructure, land, land_use, or water type feature in the base theme is determined by the original feature's tags on OpenStreetMap.

Below is the logic that is currently used to convert from OSM tags into Overture schema.


Have a suggestion or improvement to the logic? Please start a discussion on Github

How do I interpret this query?

Each WHEN line in the CASE statement is a condition that defines both the subtype and the class of a feature. For example:

WHEN element_at(tags,'highway') = 'bus_stop' THEN ROW('transit', 'bus_stop')

Here, element_at(tags, 'highway') is accessing the value of the highway tag in OSM. So, when highway=bus_stop is present, then the statement returns ROW(subtype, class), in this case, subtype=transit and class=bus_stop.

Since this particular statement is at the top of the list, it will take priority over other tags on the feature. If the same feature was also tagged as an airport gate, those tags would be ignored.

-- Railways / Subways
WHEN element_at(tags,'railway') IN ('station','halt') THEN CASE

-- Railway Specific
WHEN element_at(tags,'station') <> 'subway' AND element_at(tags, 'subway') <> 'yes' THEN ROW('transit', 'railway_station')

-- Multimodal stations
ELSE ROW('transit', 'railway_' || element_at(tags,'railway'))

-- Ferry Terminals
WHEN element_at(tags,'amenity') = 'ferry_terminal' OR (
element_at(tags,'public_transport') = 'stop_position' AND element_at(tags,'ferry') = 'yes'
) THEN ROW('transit','ferry_terminal')

-- Transit Stops
WHEN element_at(tags,'highway') = 'bus_stop' THEN ROW('transit', 'bus_stop')
WHEN element_at(tags,'route') = 'bus' THEN ROW('transit', 'bus_route')
WHEN element_at(tags,'amenity') = 'bus_station' THEN ROW('transit', 'bus_station')
WHEN element_at(tags,'public_transport') IN ('stop_position', 'platform') THEN ROW('transit', element_at(tags,'public_transport'))

-- Parking
WHEN element_at(tags,'amenity') IN (
) THEN ROW('transit', element_at(tags,'amenity'))

-- Aerialways (Linestrings)
WHEN ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(ST_GeomFromBinary(geometry)) = 'ST_LineString' AND element_at(tags,'aerialway') IN (
) THEN ROW('aerialway', element_at(tags,'aerialway'))

-- Pylons are points
WHEN ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(ST_GeomFromBinary(geometry)) = 'ST_Point' AND element_at(tags,'aerialway') = 'pylon' THEN ROW('aerialway', 'pylon')

-- Stations are nodes/ways
WHEN element_at(tags,'aerialway') = 'station' THEN ROW('aerialway', 'aerialway_station')

-- Airports (Polygons)
WHEN ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(ST_GeomFromBinary(geometry)) IN ('ST_Polygon', 'ST_MultiPolygon') AND element_at(tags,'aeroway') IN (
) THEN ROW('airport', element_at(tags,'aeroway'))

-- Airports (LineStrings)
WHEN ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(ST_GeomFromBinary(geometry)) = 'ST_LineString' AND element_at(tags, 'aeroway') IN (
) THEN ROW('airport', element_at(tags,'aeroway'))

-- Airports (Points)
WHEN ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(ST_GeomFromBinary(geometry)) = 'ST_Point' AND element_at(tags,'aeroway') IN (
) THEN ROW('airport', element_at(tags,'aeroway'))

WHEN ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(ST_GeomFromBinary(geometry)) = 'ST_Point' AND element_at(tags,'aeroway') = 'gate'
THEN ROW('airport', 'airport_gate')

WHEN element_at(tags,'aeroway') = 'aerodrome' THEN CASE
WHEN element_at(tags,'aerodrome:type') = 'military' OR element_at(tags,'landuse') = 'military' OR element_at(tags,'military') IN (
) THEN ROW('airport','military_airport')
WHEN element_at(tags,'access') IN ('emergency', 'no', 'permissive', 'private')
OR element_at(tags,'aerodrome:type') = 'private' THEN ROW('airport','private_airport')
WHEN lower(element_at(tags,'name')) LIKE '%international%' OR element_at(tags,'aerodrome:type') = 'international'
OR element_at(tags,'aerodrome') = 'international' THEN ROW('airport','international_airport')
WHEN lower(element_at(tags,'name')) LIKE '%regional%' OR element_at(tags,'aerodrome:type') = 'regional'
THEN ROW('airport','regional_airport')
WHEN lower(element_at(tags,'name')) LIKE '%municipal%' THEN ROW('airport','municipal_airport')
WHEN lower(element_at(tags,'name')) LIKE '%seaplane%' THEN ROW('airport','seaplane_airport')
WHEN lower(element_at(tags,'name')) LIKE '%heli%' THEN ROW('airport','heliport')
ELSE ROW('airport','airport')

-- Bridges
WHEN element_at(tags,'bridge') IN (
) THEN ROW('bridge', element_at(tags,'bridge'))
WHEN element_at(tags,'bridge:support') IS NOT NULL THEN
ROW('bridge', 'bridge_support')

-- Communication
WHEN element_at(tags,'communication:mobile_phone') <> 'no' THEN ROW('communication','mobile_phone_tower')
WHEN element_at(tags,'communication') IN ('line','pole') THEN ROW('communication','communication_' || element_at(tags,'communication'))
WHEN element_at(tags,'tower:type') = 'communication' THEN ROW('communication','communication_tower')

-- Pedestrian
WHEN element_at(tags,'highway') IS NULL AND element_at(tags,'footway') IN ('crossing') AND
ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(ST_GeomFromBinary(geometry)) IN ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') THEN ROW('pedestrian','pedestrian_crossing')
WHEN element_at(tags,'tourism') IN ('information', 'viewpoint') THEN ROW('pedestrian', element_at(tags,'tourism'))
WHEN element_at(tags,'amenity') IN (
) THEN ROW('pedestrian', element_at(tags,'amenity'))

-- Manholes
WHEN element_at(tags,'manhole') IN ('drain', 'sewer') THEN ROW('manhole', element_at(tags,'manhole'))
WHEN element_at(tags,'manhole') IS NOT NULL THEN ROW('manhole','manhole')

-- Power
WHEN element_at(tags,'power') IN (
) THEN ROW('power', element_at(tags,'power'))

WHEN element_at(tags,'power') IN ('line', 'pole', 'tower') THEN ROW('power','power_' || element_at(tags,'power'))

-- Recreation
WHEN element_at(tags,'tourism') = ('camp_site') AND ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(ST_GeomFromBinary(geometry)) = 'ST_Point' THEN ROW('recreation','camp_site')

-- Towers
WHEN element_at(tags,'tower:type') IN (
) THEN ROW('tower', element_at(tags,'tower:type'))

-- Utility / human made made containers
WHEN element_at(tags,'man_made') IN (
) THEN ROW('utility', element_at(tags,'man_made'))

-- Waste Management
WHEN element_at(tags,'amenity') IN(
) THEN ROW('waste_management',element_at(tags,'amenity'))

WHEN element_at(tags,'man_made') IN ('dam') THEN ROW('water',element_at(tags,'man_made'))
WHEN element_at(tags,'waterway') IN ('dam','weir') THEN ROW('water', element_at(tags,'waterway'))
WHEN element_at(tags,'amenity') = ('drinking_water') AND
(element_at(tags,'drinking_water') IS NULL OR element_at(tags,'drinking_water') <> 'no') AND
(element_at(tags,'access') IS NULL OR element_at(tags,'access') <> 'private')
THEN ROW('water', 'drinking_water')

-- Standalone piers
WHEN element_at(tags,'man_made') IN ('pier') THEN ROW('pier','pier')

-- Barrier tags are often secondary on other features, so put them last.
-- Barrier tags that are not allowed on points:
WHEN ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(ST_GeomFromBinary(geometry)) <> 'ST_Point' AND element_at(tags,'barrier') IN (
) THEN ROW('barrier', element_at(tags,'barrier'))

-- Points allowed on these types of barriers:
WHEN element_at(tags,'barrier') IN (
) THEN ROW('barrier', element_at(tags,'barrier'))
WHEN element_at(tags,'man_made') IN ('cutline') THEN ROW('barrier','cutline')

-- If there remains a barrier tag but it's not in the above list:
WHEN element_at(tags,'barrier') IS NOT NULL THEN ROW('barrier','barrier')

-- Lower priority generic `bridge` tags
WHEN element_at(tags,'man_made') = 'bridge' THEN ROW('bridge','bridge')
WHEN element_at(tags,'bridge') = 'yes' THEN ROW('bridge','bridge')

Schema reference