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Creating building parts from OpenStreetMap data

In Overture, 3D building parts must be associated with specific buildings. This relationship is captured in the schema where the building's attribute has_parts is True and each of the building_part features has a building_id pointing to the id of the building it belongs to.

Although OpenStreetMap (OSM) offers a building relation (relations with type=building) to help facilitate this association, it is seldom utilized. We therefore perform 2 steps to associate a building_part to a building:

  1. Identify OSM relations with type=building that contain exactly one member with role=outline and at least one member with role=part.
  2. Ensure the outline is either a way or a multipolygon relation with valid geometry. This is becomes a building type with has_parts=True.
  3. Assign the building_id of the outline to each role=part feature, these are of building_part type features.
  4. Identify any other building_part features that are spatially contained by the building outline and assign the building_id to them, even if they are not listed explicitly in the relation's members list.

Finally, we eliminate all parts that are the only part associated with a building and share the same geometry as the building. This step helps filter out many OSM buildings tagged with both building=yes and building:part=yes if no other parts are associated with the building.


Geometric accuracy

We sometimes apply a small buffer to building geometries to handle discrepancies in how spatial functions interpret containment across different query engines.

Data integrity

We adhere to both Overture and OSM standards to ensure that all our data manipulations and transformations preserve the integrity and accuracy of the original OSM data.

Known issues

Dual representation

We interpret a single OSM feature with both a building and a building:part tag as two separate features in Overture, each with its own unique GERS ID.

Ambiguous height tags

When type=multipolygon and building:part=yes, it is impossible to determine what the height tag refers to. It may refer to the height of the entire building (the highest point of all parts) as stated in the OSM wiki, or in some cases, it refers to the height of the part. It is recommended to either remove the height from such features or split the features into a building and a separate part feature and assign the proper height to each. In these cases, Overture will assume the height is the height of the building as stated in the wiki.

Tag ambiguity

When type=multipolygon and building:part=yes, it is impossible to know whether the characteristic tags refer to the building or the building part. It is recommended to either remove the tags from such features or split the features into a building and a separate building_part feature and assign the proper tags to each. In these cases, Overture will assume that each tag refers to both.